About us

Scotland’s experts on farmer co-ops and food industry collaboration, we work with food and farming businesses to make them more profitable, competitive, and sustainable - #workingtogether to shape the future, today.

What we do

All our work helps facilitate farmers and food and drink businesses to work together effectively. Over the years we've expanded and developed subsidiary businesses - getting the right people together and making innovative advancements - to help benefit food, farming and rural Scotland.

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Developing staff capability is one of the most effective ways to improve a co-op’s performance. Check out our events and training programme - most of which are open to non co-op members too.


As a development organisation, owned by our members, we provide a range of specialist services not available elsewhere, to assist them in developing their people and their businesses. Get in touch to find out how we can help you.

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Data Driven Decisions in Potatoes

We are helping potato growers to become more productive, profitable and sustainable by reducing their environmental impact. 

For various reasons, Scottish potato growers have been reluctant to use data generated on-farm and from the supply chain, foregoing the insights and opportunities afforded by effective data management and analysis. 

The Data Driven Decisions in Potatoes KTIF project showcases what can be done through a progressive farm co-op, portraying a co-op's responsibility is to support members to improve performance through knowledge transfer exchange.

Who did we work with?

The Scottish Potato Co-op is a successful potato marketing co-op, now in its 5th year of operation. It markets members ware potatoes to packers suppling the major supermarkets, and processors. SPC's 24 members grow 1,650 ha of potatoes, producing over 100,000t of potatoes - making it one of Scotland’s largest producer groups. SPC’s progress and success demonstrate what can be achieved by a forward-thinking group of growers.

What are we doing?

Working closely with SPC’s members, we facilitate a benchmarking group with regular meetings, farm visits, farm carbon audits, calculating the nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and exploring how to improve the data provision provided by SPC back to grower members.

A more efficient, resilient, and market-led Scottish potato sector can be achieved by improving data flow, and increasing confidence for informed decision-making.


Scotland is famous for the quality of potatoes it produces, but the sector's continued success depends on its ability to adapt to changing circumstances. In particular, reducing the carbon footprint and improving the sustainability of potato production.

The challenge is to improve the productivity of the potato sector, reducing its GHG emissions and impact on the natural environment through improved decision making. Growing ware potatoes is expensive, averaging £7,532 /ha (before rent and interest), and margins are being squeezed. Growers must constantly strive to improve their performance and marketable yield/potato quality.

How did SAOS help?

  • SAOS was the initiator for the project, identifying the need and galvanising the support of SPC.
  • We took the lead role to manage the project on behalf of SPC
  • SAOS also successfully applied for ScotGov funding through the KTIF scheme. This ensured grant funding of 75% for the last 2-years of the project. Importantly, the balance (25%) is paid by grower members through their co-op.

What now?

This project highlights the important role farm co-ops can play, by providing the leadership and resources to help their famer members take action and making things happen. We continue to work with SPC, and use this as an example of the improvements that can be made.