About us

Scotland’s experts on farmer co-ops and food industry collaboration, we work with food and farming businesses to make them more profitable, competitive, and sustainable - #workingtogether to shape the future, today.

What we do

Our work centres on facilitating farmers and food and drink businesses to work together effectively. Over the years we've developed several subsidiary businesses - getting the right people together and making innovative advancements to help benefit the entire food and farming industry and rural Scotland.

Events & Training

Developing staff capability is one of the most effective ways to improve a co-op’s performance. Check out our events and training programme - most of which are open to non co-op members too.


As a development organisation, owned by our members, we provide a range of specialist services not available elsewhere, to assist them in developing their people and their businesses. Get in touch to find out how we can help you.

What's New

See below for all the latest news, views and updates from us here at SAOS. Find all our latest videos on YouTube at: SAOS - working together in food and farming

At SAOS we work within the food and farming sector to make it
more profitable, competitive and sustainable.

About us

SAOS was established in 1905 to strengthen the profitability and effectiveness of Scotland’s farming and rural businesses through co-operation.

Read more


We are a development organisation owned by our members. We provide a range of specialist services that our members have requested, that are not available elsewhere.

Discover how we can help you.

Assistance & advice

Events & training

Strategic planning

Governance Services

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