About us

Scotland’s experts on farmer co-ops and food industry collaboration, we work with food and farming businesses to make them more profitable, competitive, and sustainable - #workingtogether to shape the future, today.

What we do

All our work helps facilitate farmers and food and drink businesses to work together effectively. Over the years we've expanded and developed subsidiary businesses - getting the right people together and making innovative advancements - to help benefit food, farming and rural Scotland.

Events & Training

Developing staff capability is one of the most effective ways to improve a co-op’s performance. Check out our events and training programme - most of which are open to non co-op members too.


As a development organisation, owned by our members, we provide a range of specialist services not available elsewhere, to assist them in developing their people and their businesses. Get in touch to find out how we can help you.

What's New

See below for all the latest news, views and updates from us here at SAOS. Find all our latest videos on YouTube at: SAOS - working together in food and farming

Supply Chain Insights - Sector Supply Chain Maps

In 2021, SAOS began working with key sector businesses and organisations on the foresighting, analysis, and mapping of more than twenty major food and drink supply chains. 

The maps we've created offer a unique overview of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for each sector, and have been widely acknowledged as providing an invaluable starting point for discussion for each sector's supply chain partners.

With SAOS's expertise, and the collective will of all stakeholders, we can work together to tackle some of the sectorial issues identified, developing robust, practical solutions and helping to mitigate risk. 

We have produced a comprehensive analysis of the whole supply chain for each sector, click to view the Scottish Dairy supply chain map 

We have also created a summary for each sector, providing key facts, including:

Scottish Cereals Supply Chain - Key Facts and Figures

Scottish Aquaculture - Finfish Supply Chain - Key Facts and Figures

Sustainability is at the heart of SAOS’s work supporting sectors in developing supply chains that, not only deliver economic value, but also safeguard environmental and social resources for future generations. We have expanded the sustainability section in the most recent documents to provide a more comprehensive view of each supply chain’s impact and activity.

All the documents are reviewed twice a year, and updated with information from industry and Government sources. The full list of sectors covered is below.

If you would like to discuss your sector and explore ways to improve how your business and supply chain operates, please get in touch

Animal Feed 
Monogastric and Aquaculture Feed (non-crop and protein sources)
Ruminant Feed (grass and non-crop protein sources)
Scottish Aquaculture - Finfish 
Scottish Aquaculture - Shellfish 
Scottish Bakery 
Scottish Beef 
Scottish Cereals
Scottish Craft Beer 
Scottish Dairy 
Scottish Eggs 
Scottish Fruit 
Scottish Malting Barley and Distilling 
Scottish Pork 
Scottish Poultry Meat 
Scottish Seafood 
Scottish Seed Potatoes
Scottish Sheep and Lamb  
Scottish Vegetables 
Scottish Venison 
Scottish Vining Pea 
Scottish Ware Potatoes 




Key contacts

Patricia Rojas Bonzi

Patricia Rojas Bonzi

Patricia Rojas Bonzi

Project Manager

07467 082625 | Patricia.Rojas@saos.coop