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Scotland’s experts on farmer co-ops and food industry collaboration, we work with food and farming businesses to make them more profitable, competitive, and sustainable - #workingtogether to shape the future, today.

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All our work helps facilitate farmers and food and drink businesses to work together effectively. Over the years we've expanded and developed subsidiary businesses - getting the right people together and making innovative advancements - to help benefit food, farming and rural Scotland.

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Did you miss the SAOS Conference 2024? Catch up here

30 January 2024

If you missed the SAOS Conf24, or indeed if you were there and want a recap, you can catch up on much of the day below with the links to PDFs of our speakers' presentations.  


We had a truly excellent day and evening, and are very grateful to our sponsors, NFU Mutual and Ledingham Chalmers for their continued support.


Our first speaker was Amanda Brown who is Programme Director for Scotland Food & Drink. Amanda opened proceedings by sharing the vision behind their new strategy "Sustaining Scotland, Supplying the World" and outlined the goals and priorities for achieving its success. Key areas of focus for which were reflected in our conference session themes of #Resilience, #Sustainability and #Growth. 
Amanda Brown's presentation SAOS Conf 24


First up in our Resilience session, we heard from Nicolai Hansen, former CEO at KMC Amba in Denmark, who shared the co-op’s fascinating journey to survive and thrive. Since 1933, farmer co-op KMC Amba has been growing, developing, and producing potato starch-based ingredients. The co-op now serves over 80 countries globally, who talked about changes in consumer behaviour and how they affect farmers, producers and food and drink supply chains. (Unfortunately we are unable to share Nicolai's presentation.)


Next in the Resilience session, we had our our first Co-op Showcase. We heard from Stephen Cameron (the former MD) and Rob Mitchell (recently appointed MD) about Scottish Shellfish and their journey to adapt their business strategy to become a firmly-established supplier to every multiple supermarket in the UK.
Scottish Shellfish - Rob Mitchell's presentation SAOS Conf 24


Our first afternoon session theme was Sustainability - first up, we were delighted to welcome Professor John Gilliland OBE who talked about his fascinating work and findings and the opportunities for the beef and lamb/ruminant sector to tackle the Net Zero challenge head-on. 
Prof John Gilliland's presentation SAOS Conf 24
Our Co-op Showcase in the Sustainability session was East of Scotland Farmers - we heard from General Manager, Robin Barron, about their work, together with Highland Grain, in moving towards the decarbonisation of malting barley.
 EoSF - Robin Barron's presentation SAOS Conf 24


Our final theme was Growth and we opened this with a Collaboration Showcase, showing what's possible with industry group collaboration. SAOS's Strategic Services Director, Patrick Hughes, also heads up the Scottish Agri Export Hub and he talked about the work ongoing there to explore and maximise export opportunities for Scottish products.
Scottish Agri Export Hub - Patrick Hughes's presentation SAOS Conf 24


Our final key note speaker was Shelagh Hancock, Chief Executive of First Milk who are committed to regeneration and ensuring cows are grazing rich, diverse pastures capturing and storing carbon. Sheila talked about First Milk's journey and the growth potential for the Scottish dairy sector built around a demonstrable sustainability proposition.
First Milk - Shelagh Hancock's presentation SAOS Conf 24


We'll be recapping on the conference in our Spring SAOS Update. Let us know if you'd like to sign up to receive it.


Save the date now for 2025 - see you in Crieff Hydro on Thurs 16th Jan! 

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